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  • National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges

National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges

  • 28 Oct 2018
  • 31 Oct 2018
  • San Antonio, Texas - Marriott Riverwalk

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Remember the Alamo! That phrase became the battle cry of the Texans’ in their struggle for independence. Today, the Alamo is just a part of the rich history of San Antonio, the host for this year’s NCBJ Conference to be held October 28-31, 2018. San Antonio is celebrating its tricentennial this year and it is the perfect time to join in the celebration and at the same time enjoy everything you have come to expect from an NCBJ experience.

Our Education Committee, made up of bankruptcy judges, legal scholars and preeminent professionals, and headed by John Hoffman, is preparing special programs that will educate and entertain. As a special treat, our plenary programs will be held in the spectacular Lila Cockrell Theatre, immediately adjacent to the host Marriott Rivercenter and the subsidiary conference Marriott Riverwalk hotels.

If that were not enough, there will be an international discussion presented in partnership with the American College of Bankruptcy. Our affiliates will also be offering their usual incredible programs. Finally, we are trying to create even more networking opportunities with all your fellow attendees.

To put it simply, come this October, you will remember the Alamo, the City of San Antonio, and the 92nd NCBJ Conference. Don’t miss out on this special opportunity.

See you there.

Michael E. Romero
NCBJ President